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    Calendário de Adventos 2019

    Por Cleiton, 1 de dezembro de 2019 - Atualizado há 3 anos

    Hora de prêmios neste mês de celebrar pois começou mais um Calendário de Adventos.
    O evento ocorre durante o mês inteiro, e a cada dia além de uma animação super legal serão entregues prêmios. Lembrando que os prêmios só podem ser pegues no dia em que foram lançados, sendo assim, se você perder algum dia, não há como rever os prêmios, exceto se os comprá-los no Mágico Pechincheiro!Então, tá esperando o que?
    Corra lá e pegue seu prêmio de hoje.
    IMPORTANTE: Como o Neopets não está traduzindo os artigos! Os Prêmios só serão entregues se você estiver com o Neopets em Inglês!
    Vale lembrar também que se você pegou todos os prêmios até o dia 30, no dia 31 ao receber o prêmio você também ganha o Tema do Site: Festas de Inverno.

    As Premiações Escondida presentes nos últimos anos (com bolas de neve e novas), volta este ano e pede para você buscar nas animações um gorro natalino, ache-os na animação, clique e pegue um prêmio Extra.

    Atenção: Este Post será atualizado todos os dias, mostrando os prêmios do calendário deste ano!
    Você não deve pegar os prêmios do Calendário de Advento na sua conta adicional!

    • Quadros em vermelho significam os avatares que podem ser obtidos (Avatares anuais).
    • Quadros em azul significam que o artigo é aplicável (clique no nome para vê-lo aplicado).
    • Quadros em laranja significam que o artigo é de Neocrédito e foi entregue grátis! Aplicáveis NC também terão essa cor.

    Dia 1

    *moneybag*874 NP*moneybag*

    Who says holiday decor is only for grown-ups? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Holiday Decor Baby Bedroom
    Doesnt the Magical Blue Cybunny Plushie give your stocking a total makeover? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Magical Stocking Stuffer

    Fir de Plástico
    Gorro Escondido: No início da animação, em cima da caixa de presente.

    Dia 2

    *moneybag*725 NP*moneybag*

    Would you like to join me for a spot of tea in the magical woods? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    High Tea in the Woods
    This would keep all those weird dreams as well as the spooky ones all in one place. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Dream Journal
    Gorro Escondido: Na neve, após a porta ser aberta.

    Dia 3

    *moneybag*962 NP*moneybag*

    Here is your chance to experience first-hand the Tyrannian way of life. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Tyrannian Huts Cluster
    I bet you havent heard all of these, especially the dark ones. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    The Giant Omelette: Myths and Folktales
    Gorro Escondido: No canto superior esquerdo, próxima Wocky.

    Dia 4

    *moneybag*1004 NP*moneybag*

    Bubbling Beakers in a Lab Slab
    Here is a comprehensive list of Gyros inventions. Get a coffee, you will be here awhile. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Gyros Invention
    Gorro Escondido: Embaixo da janela, atrás do Shoyru

    Dia 5

    *moneybag*932 NP*moneybag*

    The Smiling Angelpuss is always smiling. Whats the joke? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Smiling Angelpuss Garland
    Roses are red...yellow and pink. And they chase away the blues. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Enchanted Rose Garden
    Gorro Escondido: Antes do Bruce cair no Buraco, se encontra no lado direito

    Dia 6

    *moneybag*823 NP*moneybag*

    Who would have guessed he has a funny side to him too? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Dancing Bank Manager
    Ever wondered what the Bank Manager gets up to on a daily basis? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    A Day in the Life of the Bank Manage
    Gorro Escondido: Atrás do Skeith quando ele levanta

    Dia 7

    *moneybag*711 NP*moneybag*

    *cough cough* Where is that terrible smoke coming from? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Morguss Green Smokey Cauldron
    This bobblehead is evil. Pure Morguss-level evil. Keep it locked somewhere. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Evil Morguss Bobblehead
    Gorro Escondido: No fim da animação, encima da mesa

    Dia 8

    *moneybag*962 NP*moneybag*

    Sophie is ready for action. Are you? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Sophie Action Figure
    Surprisingly, this burnt cake isnt bitter as youd imagine. Maybe because it was made with love? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Bruno’s Burnt Christmas Cake
    Gorro Escondido: No fim da animação, atrás da mesa

    Dia 9

    *moneybag*766 NP*moneybag*

    Mmmm...this is richer, darker and better than any hot chocolate you have ever had before. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Christmas Bori Hot Chocolate Foregroun 
    There is something so special about shop window displays during the holidays! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Christmas Shop Window Display Background
    Gorro Escondido: Ao lado da árvore natalina, antes do Mynci aparecer

    Dia 10

    *moneybag*956 NP *moneybag*

    They say that on a very special night during the holidays, the Kiko Lake boats turn into something magical...
This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Kiko Lake Boat-Train Set
    Experience the Kiko way of life! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Underground Kiko Lake Background
    Gorro Escondido: No deck de um dos barcos após o blumaroo sair correndo

    Dia 11

    *moneybag*729 NP*moneybag*

    The Scarf is squishy and adorable but only as a plushie. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    The Scarf Plushie
    Wanna play a game of snow wars with me? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Snow Wars Background
    Gorro Escondido: No atrás do Mynci quando ele pula na catapulta de neve

    Dia 12

    *moneybag*726 NP*moneybag*

    They might flicker but the flame will never run out. You can bank on them. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Flickering Floor Candles

    Not sure about this thing in the mugs. Its dark, its cold and its a bit thick. It tastes a bit metallic too...
This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Dark Liquid in Mugs
    Gorro Escondido: Do lado esquerdo do fantasma de Hubrix Nox

    Dia 13

    *moneybag*770 NP*moneybag*

    Winter is coming and so is the time for endless snowboarding. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Colourful Snowboar
    Uh-oh, you know what this kind of head-bobbing means, dont you? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Snowbeasts Bobbleheads 2-in-1
    Gorro Escondido: Antes das Bestas das Neves ser atingindo

    Dia 14

    *moneybag*552 NP*moneybag*

    There really is beauty in everything! Even in a garland made of battered old toys. You see  it, dont you? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Broken Toys Garland 
    So this is where old and broken toys come for a new lease of life! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Donny’s Christmas Toy Repair Shop Background
    Gorro Escondido: Debaixo da cama

    Dia 15

    *moneybag*999 NP*moneybag*

    Hang it up and bring a little touch of space festivities right to your home. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Silver Tinsel Braid
    Christmas in space is such a special experience! What? You were not invited? Erm...never mind, this BG is just as good. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Christmas in Space Background
    Gorro Escondido: No final da animação, atrás dos dois depois deles saírem para perto da barraca

    Dia 16

    *moneybag*884 NP*moneybag*

    Nothing says Christmas quite like a beautiful wreath with lights hung on your door! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Twinkling Lights and Christmas Wreath
    The chirpy little Wocky has set this up all by himself. Isnt it just so pretty? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Holiday Scratch Card Kiosk Background
    Gorro Escondido: No início da animação, próximo as caixas de presentes

    Dia 17

    *moneybag*667 NP*moneybag*

    Hide them! If she cant see your stuff, she wont ask you to give them away to charity. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Granny Hopbobbins Glasses
    Grannys Terror Mountain cottage is a bewitching sight. Flip through the book if you dont believe us! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Grannys Cottage Picture Book for Grown Ups
    Gorro Escondido: Próximo as árvores quando foca no rosto

    Dia 18

    *moneybag*568 NP*moneybag*

    What she lacks in cheating skills, she more than makes up for with her temper. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Angry Capara To
    Now you too can look like a princess. Princess Fernypoo might not be too amused, though. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Princess Fernypoo Gown
    Gorro Escondido: Na janela, quando eles voltam com os presentes

    Dia 19

    *moneybag*1051 NP*moneybag*

    The Shenkuu skipper was born for this role! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Mirsha Grelinek Action Figure
    Unlike her sister, Atsumi prefers to live a peaceful life, away from the hustle and bustle. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Atsumis Abode in the Forest
    Gorro Escondido: Depois do segundo presente entregue, aparece no chão

    Dia 20

    *moneybag*675 NP*moneybag*

    So this is what the insides of one of Neopias most happening watering holes look like! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Inside the Hub Background
    Dont judge a book by its name. This is a rather fun read. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Origins of Borovan Day
    Gorro Escondido: Depois de servido na caneca aparece atrás de um dos barris

    Dia 21

    *moneybag*686 NP*moneybag*

    Dr. Boolins fireplace is a cozy spot for a quick game or two on a stormy night. IF you can overlook the creepy stuff going on, that is. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Dr. Boolins Fireplace
    What exactly IS this thing? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Count Von Roos Floating Shadow
    Gorro Escondido: Ao lado da lareira

    Dia 22

    *moneybag*612 NP*moneybag*

    Wow, this holiday cake looks fit for a king! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    King Hagan’s Holiday Cake
    The wise old kings crown is a rather precious thing, even when its not the real deal. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    King Hagan’s Crown
    Now, you can look as regal as King Hagan. Almost!
    King Hagans Royal Cape
    Why add a touch of colour when you can use Hue Brew instead? This potion can be applied at Dyeworks to duplicate a specific NC item in an all-new colour! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21. Please read the Dyeworks FAQ for more information before using.
    Dyeworks Hue Brew Potion
    Gorro Escondido: Acima de um dos convidado sentado no centro da mesa

    Dia 23


    Oops, the Maraquan monarch doesnt look pleased. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    King Kelpbeard Bobblehead
    This is for all those who have a bone to pick with the Captain which is mostly all of us! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Captain Scarblade Dart Board

    Ervilha de Ataque Natalina
    Gorro Escondido: Aparecer atrás antes de atirar o dardo

    Dia 24

    *moneybag*3620 NP*moneybag*

    If you want to give the illusion of being wise, you need this wig in your life. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Brain Tree Wig
    Curl up under the covers with this book. This is a masterpiece! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Adventurer Samantha
    Gorro Escondido: No início da animação, quando as crianças aparecem assustadas

    Dia 25

    *moneybag*3260 NP*moneybag*

    Heres to the towering presence...err...towering presents of your life. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Tower of Christmas Present
    A stroll down memory lane! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Tower of Turnips Background
    Gorro Escondido: Depois da ventania, aparece atrás dos presentes

    Dia 26

    *moneybag*748 NP*moneybag*

    Your action figures collection can never be complete without the addition of Rasala the Bright. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Rasala Action Figure with Wand
    This is the staff that dreams are made of! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Seradars Staff
    Gorro Escondido: Depois deles estarem sentados, aparece abaixo da mesa no lado esquerdo

    Dia 27

    *moneybag*1067 NP*moneybag*

    Watch this sapling grow into a tree right in front of your eyes. Sooo soothing!
    Simple Christmas Meal
    Less is more...or is it? This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Less is More
    Gorro Escondido: Aparece atrás antes dela chegar junto a janela

    Dia 28

    *moneybag*1081 NP*moneybag*

    Lava Bubbles

    Wonky Eyes
    Gorro Escondido: Atrás do Hissi, no final da animação

    Dia 29

    *moneybag*1050 NP*moneybag*

    The prized possession of the Xendriks of Sakhmet. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Sapphire Ring of the Xendrik
    As the enchanted map unfolds, it reveals secrets untold. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Enchanted Map of Sakhme
    Gorro Escondido: No início da animação entre os pilares ao fundo

    Dia 30

    *moneybag*826 NP*moneybag*

    Soup Faerie Stamp. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Soup Faerie Stamp
    No more dog ear-ing pages, please! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Golden Feather Bookmark
    Gorro Escondido: No final da animação, antes do wocky chegar aos dois.

    Dia 31

    *moneybag*834 NP*moneybag*

    Happy New Year! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    Celebratory Fireworks
    Foolproof ways of making the grumpy old king guffaw in pleasure. You need this in your life! This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y21.
    How to Make the Grumpy Old King Laugh
    Gorro Escondido: Após ela tropeçar, aparece logo atrás dela